Technology is Not Neutral, the touring exhibition of digital art, is transferring to Watermans Arts Centre in London. Laura Dekker’s new installation, Some Small Robots Perform Recent News Media Output Concerning AI, joins work by ten other pioneering and contemporary digital artists.
The opening event, on Saturday 12th November, is part of Watermans’ Digital Performance Weekender. Alongside the exhibiition, each Saturday, are a series of workshops linked in with the art works, and on Saturday 3rd December, Watermans hosts the Technology is Not Neutral Symposium, at which Laura will be on the discussion panel.
The exhibition is curated by Gordana Novakovic, Anna Dumitriu and Irini Papadimitriou, is funded by Arts Council England, The Computer Arts Society, and UCL Department of Computer Science and supported by Women Shift Digital, Phoenix Brighton and Watermans.
4th Nov 2016 – 8th Jan 2017, Watermans Arts Centre, TW8 0DS