7th Dec 2013: We are thrilled to announce that last weekend we hit our target of £1500!
Thank you to everyone for your generous and heart-warming support – we are over the moon!
Your money will ensure that The Psychotropic House is accessible as it can be for people living with visual impairment, appealing to the senses; intriguing and enticing everyone to ‘Come On In’!
We have been in touch with the helpful folks at VocalEyes to organise our audio description training. This will take place once we have completed the installation of the various ‘rooms’ in the House during the first week in January.
Please do continue to spread the word and share the link to the Psychotropic House – there are still some wonderful artworks available on the site for generous backers, and every additional penny will enable us ro make the Psychotropic House as interactive as possible.
Some of this week’s highlights:
XAP visit to the Guest Projects studio – we measured and mused, planned and prepared.
Tickets for the Symposium (Thurs 16th January 6-9pm) are now live on EventBrite – Entry is free, register now!
‘Meet the House’ family drawing workshop (Saturday 11th January 11am-1pm) planning underway
Visits confirmed for Art A level students from Mulberry secondary school, Tower Hamlets
Press Release and invitations ready to go! (attach)
We hope to see you at the Psychotropic House in January!